Dermaplaning 101: Everything You Need To Know
Removal of unwanted hair can be a taxing routine. While waxing, tweezing, and shaving may be effective short term solutions - they can be time consuming, uncomfortable, and expensive.

Laser Hair Removal: 6 Lasting Benefits
Removal of unwanted hair can be a taxing routine. While waxing, tweezing, and shaving may be effective short term solutions - they can be time consuming, uncomfortable, and expensive.

Clear Away Old Acne Scars with Palomar Icon Laser Therapy
Had enough of those old acne scars that just won’t fade? Find out how Palomar Icon™ Laser Therapy can clear them away!

Tighten the Skin You’re In With Exilis Elite
Weight fluctuations, pregnancies, and aging can lead to loose skin that refuses to bounce back. Forget about going under the knife. Find out how an FDA-approved laser can tighten your skin without surgery.

Why You Should Be Aware of the ABCDEs of MOLE
Moles can add character and are so common you probably don’t even think about them. While you don’t typically need to worry about them, you should monitor for the ABCDEs -- signs that your mole may be a problem.

5 Tips to Keep Your Skin at the Peak of Health This Summer
Whether you’re heading outside to the garden or just walking around the block, it’s important to protect your skin from the summer sun. Here are five tips to keep your skin at the peak of health during summertime.